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Monday 24 October 2011

Rubbish Day

I better make this quick, because my laptop sounds like its about to conk out AGAIN!!
I know I was supposed to finish introducing the buns before I started posting, but most of you will probably know who they are already.

Today has been a really bad day, for all sorts of reasons. Its been physically and emotionally draining and I just wanted to say how much I love my bunnies. They cheer me up when noone else can.

I sat with them for an hour in the shed today, something I havent done for a while apart from when making a video. I usually go in there for some peace and quiet and to get away from everything. I just sat in the corner and watched them while I sat and sobbed. Pathetic really, but its been one of those days!

They seem to know when im feeling down. They do things they wouldnt normally do, and are willing to just come and sit on you and give you kisses. Marley's always the first one to notice I need cheering up. He hopped on my knee before leaping up onto my shoulder for a snuggle, bless him. Then he always makes me giggle, because he panics when he wants to get down! He always does it, never learns! <3

Dolly sat on the top shelf and licked my head, and Skye just sat and watched like she usually does, until the treats come out! Then she mistook my finger for an Apple Bake!

Sorry its a boring post, I fing typing helps vent all my frustrations.

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